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Remote Work

Remote staffing - The future of work

What is Staffing?

For a business to succeed, it is crucial for the HR team to find employees who understand your goals and mission. Staffing involves the process of finding suitable candidates for the right job at the right time and in the right conditions. 

On that note, the staffing process is what pumps talent fuel to a company; it involves locating, selecting, hiring, and maintaining a professional relationship with all potential and current workers. An effective staffing strategy will make the recruiting and hiring process more efficient; the only decision left would be to follow an in-house staffing model or to hire outside professionals with a remote work plan. 

Benefits of Staffing

We have heard before that the secret to any great organization is its people. Therefore it is crucial to use every tool possible to find the best talent. Temporary staffing can be both the short and long-term solutions to ensure a company’s growth and future success. Here are some of the main advantages of staffing.

Wider Pool of Talent 

One of the biggest limitations for businesses that are not using remote staffing models is talent acquisition. For a person to be hired, they don’t only need the proper qualifications, but they also need to live in the same city where the office is. This limitation reduces the talent pool significantly. 

Companies that apply remote staffing models successfully have no geographical limitations for hiring. They can focus on building the right team and not worry about relocation or sponsorships. A great way for organizations to handle talent acquisition once they are free of geographical limitations is through nearshore staff augmentation. 

Less Recruiting Work

Let’s be honest; recruiting takes a lot of time and effort, even for a single potential employee. Relying on a capable team to help you with your remote staffing can help you shift a lot of duties to another talented team, reducing time and resources.  

The end goal is for you to partner with a staffing company that fits your company's specific needs as much as possible. Vendors that employ a one-size-fits-all approach are more likely to fail to provide you with good solutions than those that tailor their staff augmentation services to your industry. By assessing your company’s staffing needs, researching a potential vendor, and assuring a good cultural fit, you will be able to find a staffing partner that perfectly fits your company's staffing needs.

When done efficiently, coordinating efforts between the staffing company and yours can be seamless and bring important benefits like time-saving, increased efficiency, and team collaboration. In other words, with staff augmentation services, your temporary team members fall into step more effectively and quickly than new hires.


This is the ability of a business to adjust to market changes without losing value. In other words, scalability allows companies to generate revenue and grow without being held back by a rigid structure or lack of resources. 

Remote staffing allows businesses the possibility to modify and update their existing solutions to help them meet new business challenges. Therefore, having the ability to scale upwards or downwards depending on the demand can help companies to sort out any obstacle by adding strategic resources where they are needed. 

Staffing Process

When finding the best candidates, it is important to have an adequate staffing plan in place and follow it each time there is an open position. Here are some helpful steps to set up an effective staffing process.

Determine Needs and Goals

Before starting any candidate search and recruiting, it is vital to plan and define the company’s staffing needs. It is crucial to sit down with the management team and company leaders and evaluate the current staff capabilities and identify the required talent necessary to achieve the business goals.

At this stage, it is essential to discuss and identify which departments or employees are overwhelmed by too much work, what tasks or projects still need to be completed and why different members of your company’s management believe a new hire could improve their efficiency. It helps to make a detailed list of departments and positions to be filled, the desired number of new employees, and the open roles required.

Plan the Budget Accordingly

Once the company's staffing needs are precise, it is time to define the responsibilities and qualifications needed for each role. At this stage, the HR team should determine the hiring priority for all the open positions and the salary dedicated to each. 

Setting a clear budget for hiring and onboarding new employees will clarify an effective staffing plan. If the budget only allows you to hire a few full-time employees, consider options like hiring temporary workers.

Search for Talent

After the budget is clear, the HR team can proceed with the recruitment process by searching for prospective employees. At this stage, companies should publish job descriptions on different outlets and job listing sites.

Let's keep in mind that the job description should list the qualities needed in an ideal candidate and clearly outline the job responsibilities. Once finding potential talent to fill the job, we recommend narrowing the list of candidates to three to five strong prospects and eliminating all those that don’t fit the job description. Conduct screenings and interviews to ask candidates relevant questions about the role to help determine whether they will be a great fit for the position. 

Onboard Your Candidates

Once new employees are hired, the placement process starts. This starts by putting the persons on the job, introducing them to the team and new duties, and starting the training process. Here, we recommend having in place an “orientation system” for new hires that involves teaching them how the team is built, all the relevant processes, and how the company operates. This includes introducing them to employees and instructing them on company policies or brand guidelines.

Nowadays, considering the multiple technological changes, the need for training employees is crucial to keep the employees in touch with the various new developments.


A company’s staffing strategy is often as unique as the company itself, which means the staff augmentation partner hires should be a good fit and as flexible as the business is. Therefore, the most important consideration to augment your team is to do it with a partner with software engineers skilled in the technologies you need. 

Are you ready to explore our staff augmentation solutions? Talk to us, and let us help you build or extend your development team easily. We support companies of all sizes that need agile teams of the best engineers. Let’s ride the tech wave and make great things happen – together.


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