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As 2024 unfolds, the digital landscape is not merely evolving—it’s transforming. The pace at which technological innovation is advancing intensifies the need for strategic sourcing of tech talent. More than ever, aligning with skilled web developers isn’t just beneficial; it’s imperative for companies aiming to solidify their digital presence.

In this transformative climate, Latin America (LATAM) stands out as a pivotal force. Once primarily viewed as a classic outsourcing destination, LATAM has redefined itself as a hub of tech innovation and skilled remote development talent. The region’s unique blend of advanced technical skills, cultural alignment, and cost-effectiveness makes it an excellent choice for businesses poised to lead in the digital arena of 2024.

Growth and Opportunities in the IT Sector

Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina are spearheading substantial growth in Latin America’s developer population, which is expanding at an annual rate of 7%—almost double the global average. This surge is supported by significant investments in technology education, with the number of graduates in computer science and engineering doubling in the last decade.

Complementing this educational advancement, English proficiency in major urban areas across the region has surpassed 50%, facilitating seamless integration with international teams. This linguistic capability is crucial for effective collaboration, positioning Latin American professionals as ideal partners for remote projects.

Advantages of Hiring Remote Tech Talent from the Region

Engaging with Latin America’s IT workforce offers several strategic benefits:

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Deepening Tech Capabilities in LATAM

The technological landscape in LATAM is not only expanding but also deepening. There is a growing emphasis on specialized fields such as cybersecurity, cloud services, and big data analytics. This focus is driven by a mix of local startups and international corporations establishing R&D centers, enriching the region’s skills diversity and expertise.

This deep pool of talent, eager to tackle new challenges, makes LATAM an optimal choice for outsourcing sophisticated projects. Additionally, the region’s alignment with North American business practices and the widespread adoption of agile methodologies ensure seamless collaboration. This cultural and operational synergy is invaluable in remote work settings, where understanding subtle project nuances and aligning with client expectations are crucial for success.

Strategies for Hiring Remote Developers from LATAM

As technology evolves rapidly, defining clear and effective strategies for integrating LATAM talent into global projects is more critical than ever:

Is your business poised to leverage LATAM’s booming IT sector? With its rich pool of tech talent and strategic advantages, LATAM offers a unique opportunity to enhance your digital operations effectively. Contact Intersog today to discover how our solutions can seamlessly integrate LATAM’s expertise into your projects, ensuring you stay ahead in the competitive digital race.

In the fast-paced digital arena, businesses must continually evolve or risk fading into obscurity. Enter digital transformation, the key to unlocking new heights of innovation and success. But, as the demand for skilled tech professionals soars, companies face a daunting challenge: how can they navigate this digital revolution without breaking the bank or losing control of their projects? The answer lies closer than you might think. Welcome to the world of nearshore services, a game-changing solution that fuses cost-effectiveness with seamless collaboration. In this blog, we’ll explore how nearshore partnerships are reshaping the digital transformation landscape and empowering businesses to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive world.

What is digital transformation?

But first things first, digital transformation refers to the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of a business, altering how organizations operate and deliver value to their customers. It encompasses a fundamental shift in a company’s processes, culture, and customer experiences to adapt and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Digital transformation is not just about technology; it also involves reimagining business models, strategies, and operations to drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge.

In that sense, in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, digital transformation has become crucial for organizations to stay relevant and competitive. As customer expectations shift towards seamless digital experiences and the pace of technological advancement accelerates, companies that embrace digital transformation can reap significant benefits, such as:

Therefore, businesses that fail to adopt digital transformation risk being left behind by more agile and innovative competitors.

How do nearshore services support digital transformation initiatives?

As stated before, in the race to stay relevant in the digital age, businesses across the globe are embarking on transformative journeys. But let’s face it—navigating the treacherous waters of digital transformation can be an overwhelming endeavor. With ever-changing technology trends, soaring talent demands, and budget constraints, how can you ensure your business doesn’t sink in the digital storm? Fear not! Nearshore services have arrived like a beacon of hope, guiding digital leaders to calmer seas and empowering their digital transformation initiatives.

Let’s dive into the world of nearshore services and discover how they can be the lifeboat your business needs to ride the wave of digital transformation:

Unleash a Treasure Trove of Technical Talent

If you are struggling to find skilled tech professionals to bring your digital vision to life, nearshoring can be your rescue! Tap into a diverse pool of specialized technical talent from neighboring regions, gaining access to their wealth of knowledge and expertise. With nearshore services, your business can successfully execute digital strategies and outpace the competition.

Navigate Budget Constraints with Cost-Effective Solutions

Steering your company through digital transformation shouldn’t sink your budget. Nearshore services offer a cost-effective alternative, allowing you to leverage lower labor costs without sacrificing quality. By nearshoring, you can allocate more resources towards innovation and digital transformation initiatives while keeping your budget afloat.

Chart a Course Towards Seamless Collaboration and Communication

Set sail towards a future of enhanced collaboration and communication with nearshore services. Thanks to similar time zones and cultural backgrounds, working with nearshore partners ensures smooth communication and collaboration between teams. Effective communication is critical for digital transformation projects, as it helps align business objectives, address challenges head-on, and guarantees the successful implementation of new technologies.

Finding Your Perfect Match: Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Nearshore Partner

It is true embarking on a digital transformation journey is an exciting adventure, but finding the right nearshore partner can make all the difference in ensuring its success. Like any long-lasting relationship, you’ll want to find a partner that complements your business, understands your goals, and can grow with you. Here are the essential factors to consider when selecting your nearshore partner:

Cultural Compatibility

A harmonious partnership starts with a shared understanding of values and work ethics. Cultural compatibility goes beyond language proficiency; it encompasses shared business practices, work habits, and communication styles. A nearshore partner with a strong cultural fit will adapt seamlessly to your organization’s culture, ensuring smooth collaboration and minimizing potential misunderstandings.

Technical Expertise and Industry Experience

Your nearshore partner should possess the technical expertise required to bring your digital transformation vision to life. Evaluate their skills in the latest technologies, tools, and methodologies relevant to your industry. A partner with solid industry experience will understand your business’s unique challenges, allowing them to develop customized solutions that cater to your specific needs.

Proven Track Record of Success

A nearshore partner’s past performance can offer valuable insights into their ability to deliver successful outcomes. Assess their portfolio, client testimonials, and case studies to gauge their experience in managing projects similar to yours. A partner with a proven track record will inspire confidence and trust, ensuring that your digital transformation initiatives are in capable hands.

Data Security and Compliance

Data security is a critical concern when outsourcing any project, especially in the era of digital transformation. Your nearshore partner must adhere to stringent data security measures and comply with relevant regulations and industry standards. Ensure that they have robust security protocols, data protection policies, and transparent processes to safeguard your sensitive information.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business evolves, your nearshore partner should have the capacity to scale their services to match your growth. Evaluate their ability to adapt and expand their offerings as your digital transformation initiatives progress. A flexible and scalable partner will be able to support your long-term goals, ensuring a successful collaboration throughout your digital journey.

Embark on your digital transformation voyage with the confidence that nearshore services can provide. With access to specialized technical talent, cost-effective solutions, and seamless collaboration, your business is well-equipped to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and emerge triumphant. 

Keep in mind that selecting the right nearshore partner is a crucial decision that can determine the success of your digital transformation efforts. By considering these factors, you can make an informed choice and forge a lasting partnership that propels your business into the digital age with confidence and ease.

So, anchors, aweigh, and let nearshore services guide you to a successful digital transformation journey!

Regarding outsourcing website development talent, regions like southeast Asia and central Europe always come to mind. Still, everything has been changing with the rise of the Latin American software development boom in the last couple of years.

From Mexico to Argentina, the region is home to a thriving community of talented developers making their mark on the world through their contributions to cutting-edge technologies and innovative software solutions. So whether you’re a software developer yourself, a business leader looking to tap into the region’s talent, or just curious about the advantages of the Latin American development world, you’ll find valuable insights and information here. 

Keep reading to find out how Latin America is shaping the future of website development.

Latin America by the numbers

The development industry in Latin America is booming rapidly. Growth can be traced back to ever-increasing better education in technology and improvement in the region’s development infrastructure. This means there is way more talent to pick from when you look at options from Latin America than within the US. 

On that note, Latin America has a great population of 21 million software engineers who are currently available in the market. And according to Statista, there are roughly over 1 million software developers in Latin America​​ involved in offshore development. Just to name a few countries, Brazil tops the list with around 500,000 developers, followed by Mexico (225,000 developers), Argentina (115,000 developers), Colombia (62,000 developers), and Chile (61,000 developers).

Also, the region is full of a young population ready to take on new challenges. This young talent force can bring fresh perspectives, enthusiasm, and energy, making them more flexible and creative potential workers. Plus, they are tech-savvy and, therefore, excellent web development candidates. 

Advantages of working with Latin American developers

It’s no secret that Latin America has seen outstanding economic growth in the past few years. According to Bloomberg, companies looking to hire from Latin America have increased by 156%, making LATAM the most popular worldwide, with software engineers leading the recruitment sector.

The growth rate of hiring across Latin America for software engineer and account executive positions increased by 286% in the second half of 2021, more than in any other region in the world. Most of the new hires are located in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, but competitive wages also make companies take a closer look at Colombia. But why? 

First of all, Latin American software developers are one of the best options to work with, as they often have a strong technical background and are able to deliver high-quality work at competitive rates. Additionally, many Latin American countries have a strong IT and development education tradition and a culture that values technical skills, which can lead to a high level of expertise among software developers in the region.

From Baja California, Mexico to Patagonia, Latin America is bursting with bright young web developers, data scientists, and programmers, driving rapid Latin American technology sector growth. Based on the current technological development in Latin America, experts expect the region to continue producing top-notch software development professionals to cater to the growing industry’s needs. This makes a good pool of highly qualified and very experienced workers at the reach of companies HR team’s hands. In other words, LATAM is full of attractive candidates to choose from when companies are looking to set up world-class development tech talent networks or hire individual remote engineering talent.

It’s also worth noting that many Latin American countries have a good time zone overlap with the US, which can benefit communication and collaboration. Therefore, besides the competitive costs, the Latin American region is close enough to the North American markets, enabling real-time collaboration at times that work best for both parties to make projects time-efficient and easy to coordinate. While the time difference between America and Asia can exceed 12 hours, the time difference between American companies and countries in South America is usually within 5 hours, which keeps exchanges within the same business day.

Should I nearshore in Latin America?

Short answer, yes! As geographical proximity is of prime importance in nearshoring, Latin America has become one of the favorite outsourcing destinations for US-based companies. The LATAM region has slowly but steadily become one of the primal providers of tech talent worldwide, with its thriving economies, steady political contexts, and big pools of development talents.

The number of developers is projected to rise to 28.7 million in 2024. Latin America is one of the regions that will grow the most regarding programmers and developers, even growing faster than North America. 

Among Latam countries, Mexico gains the most because of its proximity to the United States. In fact, it has already started to show the benefits, reflected in high foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into Mexican states bordering the United States. While Mexico as a whole reported a 4% decrease in FDI in 2021 against the average from 2015 to 2019, its northern states of Baja California, Chihuahua, and Nuevo León recorded increases of 54%, 6%, and 4%, respectively, according to Mexico’s Secretary of Economy. 

The Inter-American Development Bank estimates that nearshoring could add US$78 billion to Latam’s exports yearly, from which US$35 billion would go to Mexico and US$7.8 billion to Brazil. Industries such as automobiles, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and renewable energy could benefit the most.

When thinking about nearshore, other strong allies that come to mind are Argentina, Chile, and Colombia. 

First, on the list, Argentina is one of the best options to outsource IT talent, as it offers cost-effective software solutions with a large pool of industry experts within a pretty convenient time zone and almost cero cultural barriers. The country also has the highest level of English in the region

Regarding Chile, the country has one of the most business-friendly environments and advanced infrastructure facilities in the Latin American region, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that the country aims to be a key supplier of IT and software development services to the western market. Also, the country’s BPO and IT industry is thriving and provides high-quality services to local and global clients. As of 2021, the literacy rate in Chile is 96.4% — higher than the Latin American average of 93.9%. Finally, Chilean software developers are known for their solid programming skills and consistently rank in various coding competitions, making software development one of the most outsourced services to Chile. 

Finally, thanks to all the hiring and investment benefit from the government to attract foreign IT leading companies worldwide, Colombia has earned the status of the software development outsourcing hotspot in South America. Colombia’s economy is among the strongest in Latin America, ranking as the fourth largest and making it a stable and reliable region for companies looking to outsource IT services. 

Wherever you look at it, Latin America is the future of website development. From increased efficiency to wider access to specialized skills, resources, and top talent, the region is the place to be looking at this 2023. Now, it is only a matter of deciding the best country for nearshore web development according to your business needs. 

Don’t know where to start? Talk to our experts! At Intersog, we have been delivering success across industries for over 15 years, developing web applications customized to each client’s specific requirements by leveraging our extensive expertise and deep technology capabilities.

The last three years have completely shaped the labor market and how the workplace is understood. The world has seemingly gone from one crisis to another – from the COVID-19 pandemic to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the most recent inflation and rise in the cost of living. 

In 2022 companies were busy playing tug-of-war with workers over return-to-office policies while also engaging in a brutal war for talent to attract and retain only the best employees. Now, with a brand new year ahead of us, what is in store for the workplace of 2023? 

Here are some workplace and hiring trends that will shape the business world.

Technology and digital tools

The increased use of technology and digital tools in the workplace has been consolidated in recent years, and it’s not going anywhere. This includes using cloud-based software, collaboration tools, and virtual meeting platforms, making it easier for employees to work remotely or from different locations. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of these technologies, as many businesses had to transition to remote work in order to continue operating during lockdowns and other restrictions. Nowadays, the use of digital tools has proven to help businesses to increase productivity, improve communication and collaboration, and reduce the need for in-person meetings and travel. 

For example, cloud-based software allows employees to access work-related information and tools from any device with an internet connection. This has made it possible for employees to work remotely, as they don’t need to be physically present in the office to access the necessary resources. Other tools such as collaboration tools like Asan, Basecamp, Slack, and Trello and virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet will continue on the rise, allowing employees to communicate and collaborate with each other in real time, regardless of their location.

Therefore, companies need to ensure that employees have the necessary training and support to use these tools effectively and to address any potential challenges that may arise, such as difficulties with technology or difficulties with adapting to remote work.

Remote work is here to stay 

Despite many companies encouraging employees to return to the office, employees aren’t letting go of hybrid and remote work. Consequently, many companies have started following the increasingly common practice of having remote teams. Now, as we start the year 2023, organizations will become more comfortable with implementing this work structure. One of the most popular policies that workers will use their leverage for will be the option to work remotely. According to Forrester, the number of remote workers at the end of 2021 was 3x pre-pandemic levels, and 74% of professionals expect remote work to become standard.

Remote teams are a great way of cooperating and leveraging skilled specialists. In the case of software development, hiring a remote team of developers and engineers is a great strategy for success. Now more than ever, companies, big and small, around the globe are leveraging remote work to their advantage by hiring tech talent remotely.

Also, remote hiring allows companies to access a pool of tech talent around the world so that they can select the best talent for their project. In 2023, employers will reassess current hybrid working arrangements in order to rebuild culture, improve mental health and retain talent. 

A tight labor market

The end of the COVID-19 pandemic came along with tough times for employers to find new talent and retain it. This 2023, the situation is not looking different, as the economic downturn turned into a tight labor market and fierce and widespread competition to attract and retain talent. Some sources like Indeed and Glassdoor even believe that hiring will remain challenging for years to come, driven by demographics and evolving preferences. 

This context will lead to increased competition among employers to attract and retain workers but may also result in higher wages and better working conditions as employers try to attract and retain employees.

In other words, in a tight labor market, workers may have more bargaining power and may be able to negotiate higher salaries or better benefits. They may also have more job opportunities available to them, allowing them to choose from a range of options and potentially switch jobs more easily.

In that sense, we are facing a year full of challenges for employers who may struggle to find the workers they need to meet demand and may have to invest more resources in recruiting and retaining employees. Therefore, new, more novel acquisition strategies must come to the fore.

Companies should plan for multiple future scenarios and stay agile to navigate potential disruptions to hiring. Finally, companies that partner with staffing agencies will be better placed to survive a difficult talent landscape. 

Flexibility equals happiness 

Nowadays, workers prioritize flexibility in their workplace as a crucial element of their happiness and well-being more than they did before the pandemic. On this note, flexibility at the workplace can enhance good employee experience, which is crucial, for it not only determines the intent of an employee to stay with the organization but also their productivity and engagement. 

Successful companies do not treat their employees as mere workers but as human beings with complex emotions and lives outside work. Therefore, it is understandable that each of one them goes through multiple situations and experiences that can and will impact their performance within the workplace. 

Glassdoor and Indeed estimate that 90% of people believe that how we feel at work matters, but only 49% of people report their company is measuring happiness and well-being. Even the best employees need help from time to time, so make sure you’re offering plenty of support. Whether it’s professional or personal, proving that you’re on their side when they need you is one of the most important things you can do. It is vital that you take advantage of your communication channels and connect with your employees from a place of empathy. 

Try to implement mechanisms that improve your company’s flexibility. You can achieve this by allowing your employees to work in their preferred environment at their preferred hours to decrease stress and increase productivity. You can also advocate for a professional and personal life balance; you can do this by establishing healthy working hours or even making available mindfulness programs and mental-health resources for your staff. 

Be creative and bold to maintain a flexible work environment; as long as you maintain clear communication and become aware of what your employees need, you will come up with the right tactics to make your employees happier.

Retention through upskilling

It’s not all about promotions and salaries; in 2023, workers can expect their employers to invest more in training and upskilling programs to equip them with the skills they require.  Many employees consider opportunities to grow and learn as a reason to stay at their job; according to LinkedIn, 94 percent of employees say that they would stay at a company longer if it simply invested in helping them learn.

But just offering employees with random learning opportunities won’t cut it. To improve your employee experience, it is important for you to give them the necessary amount o time and resources to learn in desired areas and facilitate them with the right tools to help them advance in their careers. According to a recent survey from Amazon and Workplace Intelligence, 83% of workers place improving their skills as their number one priority in 2023. Find out what motivates your team and provide the opportunities they’re looking for. This will help you improve your employee engagement to build a healthy work environment.

First, focus on helping your employees to establish a career path within your organization; this will allow you to know their aspirations and choose training accordingly to help them achieve their goals. Once their path is clear, make self-directed learning available, like webinars, schooling, training, or in-person events. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Another trend that has been gaining momentum is the focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Many companies are making efforts to create a more inclusive and equitable work environment, including through initiatives such as hiring and promoting more diverse candidates, implementing unconscious bias training, and adopting policies that support work-life balance and flexible scheduling.

Inclusion and diversity in the workplace can bring a range of benefits to both employers and employees. Some of the potential benefits include the following:

Although the 2023 workforce landscape is complex and challenging as businesses and workers face acute ongoing financial obstacles, now is the perfect opportunity for business leaders to learn from the past and prepare for what might lie further down this and the upcoming years.

It is not the time to let their guard down. It is crucial for team leaders and HR teams to keep on top of trends and be more flexible and creative than before to sort out whatever this new year brings. 

How we work today is almost unrecognizable from how people used to work 10 years ago. Since Covid hit, the world has changed completely, putting our social interactions upside down and pushing us to reinvent our ways of communicating and engaging with each other. And although we’re beyond the chaotic early days of Covid-19, companies around the globe still need to make a considerable effort to accept and readapt to the new reality. Zoom calls and working in casual attire from the comfort of our living rooms became part of our new normal, and there might be no going back to the old days of everyday in-person meetings in suits and ties. Human Resources faced the challenge of responding to a remote team while recruiting new potential employees through a computer screen.

On this note, the work environment has changed significantly, becoming more difficult, yet more exciting for companies to reinvent how work is done and to adapt to our new world.

As 2023 begins and more challenges like recession arise, recruitment teams can’t let their guard down. Therefore, understanding what is coming and adapting to it has become one of the best business skills. HR teams need to identify new trends to become more adaptable to change and, therefore, more efficient despite the global setup and the unique challenges we might encounter. 

With that in mind, here are seven 2023 workplace trends that will define the future of work. 

1. Remote Work

For some years now (even before Covid-19 hit us, forcing us to adapt to a new reality of working), many companies have started following the increasingly common practice of having remote teams. Now, as we move into 2023, organizations will become more comfortable with implementing this work structure. Many workers, will gravitate to companies that allow remote work with the option to come to the office when needed. According to Forrester, the number of remote workers at the end of 2021 was 3x pre-pandemic levels, and 74% of professionals expect remote work to become standard.

Remote teams are a great way of cooperating and leveraging skilled specialists. In the case of software development, hiring a remote team of developers and engineers is a great strategy for success. Now more than ever, companies, big and small, around the globe are leveraging remote work to their advantage by hiring tech talent remotely.

Also, remote hiring allows companies to access a pool of tech talent around the world so that they can select the best talent for their project. In 2023, employers will reassess current hybrid working arrangements in order to rebuild culture, improve mental health and retain talent. 

2. Automation

Companies worldwide are automating as many processes as possible because they have figured out that employees spend a lot of time on repetitive manual tasks. A study by McKinsey and Co. found that 85% of companies have accelerated the digitization of their businesses.

These tasks can become frustrating and even lead to human errors. Automation eliminates that factor. A company can automate transactions, approvals, and workflows, among other processes, to free employees from manual tasks that only waste time. Automation is the big growth area – introducing automated systems to replace what was previously done manually. 

In addition, companies are also able to automate product and service deployment. Automation, in combination with AI, is a great tool for companies to let their employees spend their time solving complex issues instead of doing mundane tasks. That will mean some existing roles changing or becoming obsolete, but also new roles being created.

3. Anywhere Operations Model

Remote operations are not only possible, but they also come with plenty of advantages. According to Gartner, through 2023, 40% of organizations will blend virtual and physical experiences, leading to increased workforce productivity and customer reach. 

Anywhere operation is an organizational model that allows IT companies to operate fully remotely while supporting customer service, enabling employees, and managing the deployment of products/services from anywhere in the world.

Anywhere operations, also known as “remote operations,” create decentralized models, enabling better business flexibility and access to a broader talent pool. This means that companies can perform at the same scale and with the same effectiveness across a wide range of roles and responsibilities, regardless of their geographic location. On that note, anywhere operations can enhance companies’ performance, by reducing costs of aging hardware, improving employee and customer experience, and giving companies access to a broad talent pool of experts ready to join the team. 

4. Technology as a Business Strategy

If the last years have taught us technology is a crucial tool for every business to survive, it’s not a surprise that one of the most popular trends of future work has to do with it; today, more and more organizations realize the importance of incorporating a tech strategy into their internal process to keep their business working.

Technology as a business strategy simply refers to implementing technology and IT solutions at all levels of business planning. This is, rather than considering technology on its own, it is considered a core piece of all aspects of business operations. A solid technology strategy consists of a business plan with clear principles, objectives, and tactics for using technology to achieve organizational objectives. 

It may define specific IT solutions, identify staff members’ responsibilities for managing these technologies, scalability possibilities, and, most important, how these technologies will align with the business’s objectives.

5. Employee Experience at the Centre

The workplace of 2023 will focus on employers and their happiness. An employee’s journey from hire to exit is full of different behaviors and experiences, both good and bad. Therefore keeping a good employee experience is vital, for it determines not only the permanence of an employee within an organization but also their productivity and engagement. 

Employee experience impacts every business facet. Therefore, it is no surprise that as the years pass, companies that actively manage to keep a good and permanent culture maintain higher employee retention and boast higher employee engagement rates than those with weak cultures.

6. Flexible Work Scheduling 

It’s time to rethink the standard 9 to 5 workday. In 2023, experts believe that more organizations will embrace the idea that outcome is better than input, but why exactly? Flexibility makes workers happier, and, eventually, more productive. 

A flexible working schedule allows employees to create their own calendars and to concentrate and eliminate distractions. Also, as workers are free to take more breaks, it’s easier for them to feel less stressed and relaxed, and, therefore, more efficient and engaged with the company’s mission.

A few years ago, we could not have imagined that we would be working with engineering teams remotely, without even an in-person interview or an in-person team meeting instead of a Zoom call. Now, as we get closer to 2023, we are less scared of remote models and ready to take on any new challenges to come. 

The presence of new technologies and organization models is undeniable; therefore, there is no better time to seize the opportunity and get all the necessary insights on what is new and how to adapt your company to not fall behind in the market. 

It is true what they say, a company’s greatest asset is its own people. Think it this way, in life, nothing is permanent, from marriage and financial success to financial troubles and breakups or even pandemics; circumstances can easily change, but your inner circle of people (family, friends, or both) will be at your side no matter what. Well, your company’s team is like that family; clients will come and go, and the road might get a little bumpier sometimes, but a solid team will help stay with you no matter what and sort out any situation.

On that note, a talented workforce will be the competitive difference your company needs to stand out from the rest; in other words, talent will ultimately be the deciding factor in whether a business fails or succeeds. The talent of your company will be the wheel to keep your business running; for example, studies have shown that high performers are 400 percent more productive than average ones, and in highly complex occupations —like software development—high performers are an astounding 800 percent more productive.

On that note,  it’s crucial to make sure that you build an amazing company culture that separates you from other businesses. In this article, we will give you some useful tips on how to attract great talent to your team and how to use that talent as a competitive advantage.

How to attract great talent

As the economy and job markets are almost back to normal, we are currently facing fierce competition to attract top talent to fill highly skilled positions. In this sudden need for talent, workers have the upper hand, and companies that prioritize their employees’ happiness and motivation will be the ones to win the battle. Here are three tips for your company to stand out and attract the best talent out there.

Employee experience

Try to implement mechanisms that improve your employees’ experience. You can achieve this by maintaining a flexible work environment, allowing your employees to work in their preferred environment at their preferred hours to decrease stress and increase productivity. Factors like benefits, compensation, and job responsibilities will always be important, but a good employee experience will always take precedence and make your company stand out from the crowd.

Open PTO

Open Paid Time Off (PTO) is a new concept where employees are provided with the freedom to take time off when needed as long as doing so will not disrupt business. We know, in theory, this might sound risky, but in practice, workers in this model rarely abuse this policy. Open PTO contributes to happy workers while it rewards productive use of work hours, not only attracting new talent but contributing to retaining it as well.


Nearshore gives you the advantage of accessing larger pools of tech talent, expanding your reach to attract them. By doing it right, nearshoring developers can be a fantastic way for businesses to improve efficiencies and increase their bottom line. We recommend you start by finding a local partner that is well-established in the region; this will help you spot the best talent right away and save you time and resources. 

Using talent as a competitive advantage

Now, for a business to succeed, it is not enough to attract and retain talented individuals; there’s no point in having talent and not using it to your advantage. Here are five ways for you to leverage your talented team players and turn their assets into a competitive difference.

Create a talent planning and recruitment strategy 

It’s important for you to have a clear understanding of your company culture and incorporate your values, mission, and norms from the very beginning of your talent selection process. Try to avoid hiring for an “aspirational” culture. 

It is important for your true culture to be accurately descriptive of your website company or fully disclosed during your interview processes. This will save you both time and money as you will be able to screen the talent that aligns with your company. The talent fits in with your culture and is likely to stay for the long haul and be more productive day by day. 

Focus on your employee experience

Good employee experience is crucial, for it not only determines the intent of a talented employee to stay with the organization but also their productivity and engagement. If your workers’ values align with your strong Company Culture, your employees will be more likely to work harder, be more productive at what they are doing and remain with the company for a long time.

On that note, maintaining your talented workers engaged is crucial to boosting your team’s productivity, as your workers don’t have the sense of simply “putting in time” to be paid; instead, they are invested in doing their work well and even thinking of ways they can improve how they perform their duties on the job. A highly engaged workforce offers several benefits to an employer, for example:

Embrace technology

Technology is central to every aspect of the world, and talent acquisition is no exception. A company at the forefront of the latest technological developments will boost its talent with the right tools and achieve an important competitive advantage.

Technology not only does it enable your company to make the most of the benefits provided by the latest innovations, but it also makes your workers more engaged with their job. Well-applied technology within your organization can help to boost your company’s talent, separating it from the rest.

Provide meaningful development

It’s not all about promotions and salaries. For some, benefits are as important to employees as money. Many employees consider opportunities to grow and learn even more important than more PTO or salary raises. But just offering employees with random learning opportunities won’t cut it. To leverage talent, you need to give your employees the necessary amount o time and resources to learn in desired areas and facilitate them with the right tools to help them advance in their careers. 

Find out what motivates your team and provide the opportunities they’re looking for. This will help you improve employee development and boost your company’s culture.

Measure, review, and recognize

Having healthy communication with your employees is key to a successful work dynamic. For example, having frequent feedback will help your workers to identify the areas that need more attention and will encourage them to keep the behaviors you seek. As a manager, be accessible, open, and straightforward as you interact with your employees. Give your employees time and opportunities to connect personally with you, and you’ll see how your relationship improves, making them less likely to leave. 

Goals should always be clear to everyone on the team, and your workers should be confident that, if they do their job correctly and contribute to the company’s mission and success, they will be recognized.

Finally, from an “always open door” policy to conversation platforms, ensure there’s always space to address all employees’ concerns and needs and let them know about the process and results.

We hope that these tips can help you improve your company’s internal dynamics and leverage your talent into a competitive difference. At Intersog, we are happy to help you to find the right talent and to use it as a corporate differentiator.

As the pandemic fades away and the world returns to normal, the economy and job markets are rapidly growing. In this context, businesses are currently facing what is known as a “war of talent.” This fierce competition to attract employees to fill highly skilled positions has become a recurring nightmare for HR teams worldwide. 

However, attracting great talent is not enough for a company to succeed; talent retention is as important for companies to win the talent battle. Why? 

According to LinkedIn, 56% of organizations struggle to keep high-potential and top-performing employees. People leave jobs for new opportunities, as simple as that. But, failing to retain talent goes beyond losing key players of the team; it also reflects in a company’s finance as the total cost of losing employees can be twice their annual salaries. 

And who is the number one offender when it comes to losing talent? Concerns about a lack of advancement opportunities and a feeling of professional stagnation. For example, currently, 23% of employees voluntarily leave their jobs due to a lack of development and training. 

Here are five easy strategies on how to retain talent so your HR team can get rid of the nightmare of losing tech talent once and for all.

Promote Growth

It’s not all about promotions and salaries, for some benefits are as important to employees as money. Many employees consider opportunities to grow and learn as a reason to stay at their job. According to LinkedIn, 94 percent of employees say they would stay at a company longer if it simply invested in helping them learn.

But just offering employees with random learning opportunities won’t cut it. To retain talent, you need to give them the necessary amount o time and resources to learn in desired areas and facilitate them with the right tools to help them advance in their careers. Find out what motivates your team and provide the opportunities they’re looking for. This will help you improve employee engagement to build a healthy work environment.

First, focus on helping your employees to establish a career path within your organization; this will allow you to know their aspirations and choose training accordingly to help them achieve their goals. Once their path is clear, make self-directed learning available like webinars, schooling, training, or in-person events. 

Other growth opportunities you can look into to improve your employees’ experience with your organization include:

Whatever you might choose, make sure to demonstrate appreciation for all your employees´ work and assure them there´s enough space for them to grow within your company.

Improve Communications

As in any type of relationship, having healthy communication with your employees is key for a successful work dynamic. As important as your external communications might be (with agencies, clients, stakeholders, etc.), focusing on having a clear understanding within your organization might be even more critical for retaining happy workers. 

Remember, your employees must feel safe about communicating their feelings within the company. Therefore it is important to establish proper communication channels and keep improving them. From an “always open door” policy to conversation platforms, ensure there’s always space to address all employees’ concerns and needs and let them know about the process and results.


Successful companies do not treat their employees as mere workers but as human beings with complex emotions and lives outside work. Therefore, it is understandable that each of them goes through multiple situations and experiences that can and will impact their performance within the workplace. Even the best employees need help from time to time, so make sure you’re offering plenty of support, whether professional or personal; proving that you’re on their side when they need you is one of the most important things you can do to retain talent. It is vital that you take advantage of your communication channels and connect with your employees from a place of empathy. 

Remember, great managers, make employees feel supported during day-to-day operations. By leading with empathy, you can understand and accept when your workers are not operating at their best; understanding and working within the external situations hampering their performance might be the best way to create a safe place where people want to come to work. Give your employees time and opportunities to connect personally with you, and you’ll see how your relationship improves, making them less likely to leave. 

Listen to Feedback

Frequently giving feedback to employees is part of being a great manager, as you can’t expect employees to modify where they are lacking performance if they aren’t aware there’s an issue. Giving honest feedback can be daunting, but it’s key to a healthy culture. But what happens with your performance as a manager? How can you know where to improve to make your employers happier?

The best way to know what your employees need from you is to ask them and then listen when they respond. To receive honest feedback, it’s crucial to have a strong culture of respect and open communication policy within your company. 

Asking your employees to give direct feedback can feel intimidating for them, therefore make sure you are using all the right tools for them and assure them that doing so can only bring benefits to the company. For example, a good option is conducting regular surveys. This tool will assure your employees of anonymity and help you gain valuable insights into what the employees think and feel without them feeling exposed. Keep your surveys simple and connect with your employees as much as possible to get honest replies and eventually improve the employee experience.

Focus on Employees

This might sound like a no-brainer, but focusing on your employees is key to understanding your entire work environment from an employee’s perspective and helping you identify areas of improvement and growth. Having an employee-focused culture has become even more critical since remote working became the new normal. 

Try to implement mechanisms that improve your employees’ experience. You can achieve this by maintaining a flexible work environment, allowing your employees to work in their preferred environment at their preferred hours to decrease stress and increase productivity. You can also advocate for a professional and personal life balance; you can do this by establishing healthy working hours or even making available mindfulness programs and mental-health resources for your staff. 

Be creative and bold; training, employee wellness programs, health insurance, or flexibility, you name it. As long as you maintain clear communication and know what your employees need, you will develop the right tactics to make your employees happier.

There is no need to fail in retaining top tech talent. We are here to help! Contact us and learn more about our staffing solutions. Let’s ride the tech wave and make great things happen – together.


If we know something for sure is that talent matters. It is not by chance that Steve Jobs used to highlight the importance of building teams of top-notch talent. In his words, a small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players. He was right; studies have shown that high performers are 400 percent more productive than average ones, and in highly complex occupations —like software development—high performers are an astounding 800 percent more productive.

It was also Steve Jobs who said it doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do, and once again, he was right. The importance of hiring top-notch talent relies on more than just performance; it’s about the engagement and quality that talented assets can bring to a company. This is why nowadays, talent is highly valued and scarce; therefore, it the difficulty in attracting, retaining, and replacing it.

As the economy and job markets are heating up, we are currently facing what is known as a “war of talent,” aka an increasingly fierce competition to attract and retain employees to fill highly skilled positions. In this sudden need for talent, workers have the upper hand, and companies that prioritize their employees’ happiness and motivation will be the ones to win the battle. But you don’t have to go to battle alone! We have gathered three useful tips to help you in your quest to attract top-notch tech talent.

Focus on your EVP

According to the Harvard Business Review, 41% of employees in the global workforce are considering resigning from their roles, and 36% of those leaving their roles do so without having their next job in place. Therefore, it the importance to focus on your Employee Value Proposition, also known by experts as EVP. Simply put, EVP is the set of assets and benefits you can offer your employees in return for their skills and experience.

Remember that today’s workers not only want to feel invested in their job, but they also want to feel that their employer is as invested and shares their values. On that note, it is crucial for you to have a stronger EVP than your competitors so that you can attract and retain the best talent. Don’t know where to start? Focus on these three assets to make your EVP a game-changer while attracting talent.

Stand out from the crowd. Most employees have four fundamental requests on their wishlist, a great job, a great company, outstanding leaders, and big rewards. Therefore, most companies will base their EVP offers to resemble these needs, which will ultimately make most EVPs resemble and therefore be difficult to catch the eye of job seekers. We recommend you to stand out on one dimension (while not ignoring the others); if a legend leads your company, use that to attract talent, or maybe you can offer great benefits and focus on that. 

Target your audience. Having an overall EVP for the general audience is a great strategy; however, the game changer is creating an attractive EVP to win that 5 percent talent that will deliver 95 percent of the value. For example, if you are trying to attract developers, focus your EVP on offering creative tasks and a rapid career progression.

Be realistic. You should always work on the most attractive EVP you can. However, be sure not to promise things you won’t be able to deliver later on. Employees today won’t base their trust solely on what you promise them; they will research, from social media to reviews on sites such as Glassdoor, how it is to work in your company. If they find out your EVP is unrealistic, they will turn their attention to someone that delivers.


Since talent is so valuable and scarce, you might think companies would know how to find it and where to look for it. Well, think again. As the global tech industry keeps booming, American companies rely on a continuous influx of professionals and the growing number of job demands. On that note, nearshore has become an increasingly common practice for many companies in recent years. By doing it right, nearshoring developers can be a fantastic way for businesses to improve efficiencies and increase their bottom line. 

Nearshore gives you the advantage of accessing larger pools of tech talent, expanding your reach to attract them. For example, turn your eyes to Latin America; the region has become one of the main hubs for tech talent and software development for companies that are looking to find outstanding talent. Due to its ever-increasing number of tech graduates and new developers, LatAm has become the perfect place to look for engineering talent. From proximity to the U.S. to an extended young workforce, hiring developers in Latin America has plenty of advantages for your business.

We recommend you start by finding a local partner that is well-established in the region; this will help you spot the best talent right away and save you time and resources. 

Share your Success Stories

It is true what people say, “a good reputation is more valuable than money.” Therefore, if you want to attract talent to your company, it is crucial for you to build a strong reputation within the industry. A great way to do this is by sharing your employees’ success stories inside your company. To do this, you can ask current team members how they have transformed their careers at your company and the valuable assets they have at work. 

Don’t be shy to share on social media, articles, and blogs all the testimonials that could highlight how amazing your company culture is and its outstanding leadership. You should focus on how your organization is invested in its workers and all the learning and development opportunities it offers. Celebrate the tools and technologies that help your employees grow and share how they have moved forward in their careers; remember, your employees are your most valuable resource.

Don’t get left behind in this “war of talent” follow these tips, and you will be on the other side of the staffing game. We know it might sound kind of daunting, so we are here to help! Contact us and learn more about our IT staffing solutions. We will be more than happy to introduce you to how you can build your ideal software development team and boost your product’s growth.

Now that the Covid pandemic crisis is starting to fade away, the IT industry is returning to its continuous growth pattern of 5%-6% yearly growth, which means the industry worldwide is expected to surpass the US$5.3 trillion mark by the end of 2022. For example, currently, there are about 1.35 million tech startups around the world, and by 2030, 500 billion devices will be connected to the internet. 

Just in the U.S., the tech sector has seen unprecedented growth in recent years. The country still represents the largest technology market in the world, and the IT industry is expected to reach $1.8 trillion dollars by the end of the year. As the global tech industry keeps booming, it relies on a continuous influx of professionals to fill its growing number of job demands.

On that note, Latin America has become one of the main hubs for tech talent and software development for companies that are looking to find affordable talent in a shared time zone yet don’t want to compromise on quality. The region has become the perfect place to look for engineering talent due to its ever-increasing number of tech graduates and new developers.

However, it’s not by chance that companies look at Latin America as a talent gold mine. Here are some advantages to look into:

Benefits of Nearshore in Latin America

Even though a relatively new region to nearshore from, Latin America has kept a good track record of passionate IT developers that are eager to work. Therefore, building a solid team of South American developers has several advantages:

Proximity to the U.S. 

One of the main difficulties of working with partners halfway around the world is trying to manage work within huge differences in time zones. This problem when working with people in countries from Latin America. Latinamerican countries are within (if not in the same) time zones as the US and Canada. This allows real-time collaboration and eases project development and communications.

Less Culture Clash

Latin American countries share several similarities with the U.S, and the work culture is close enough for companies to feel comfortable working with remote developers within the region. Plus, most students in LatAm learn English from a very early age; English is the third most spoken immigrant language in South America, with about 5.4 million speakers.

These cultural shares between North American and South American countries may make their IT professionals and companies a better fit for your team.

Industry Growth

The technology industry in Latin America is booming rapidly. Growth can be traced back to ever-increasing better education in technology and improvement in the South America technology infrastructure. The region is full of a young population ready to take on new challenges. Also, young people bring fresh perspectives, enthusiasm, and energy, making them more flexible and creative potential workers. Plus, they are tech-savvy and, therefore, excellent web development candidates.


Another advantage of outsourcing Latinamerica development talent is the cost efficiency for American and Canadian companies. The average wage for top talent in the region will vary, but Latin America will still provide quality IT work for significantly less than their North American counterparts.

Best places to Nearshore in Latin


Argentina is one of the best options to outsource IT talent, as it offers cost-effective software solutions with a large pool of industry experts within a convenient time zone and almost cero cultural barriers. The country has been developing its IT talent for about 20 years, as the Argentinian government understands the importance of IT outsourcing businesses and has passed laws that support and attract more international businesses. 

Also, Argentina has the highest level of English in the region, so it’s easy to find software development talent proficient in English. 

Another plus comes from the country’s economic development and its affordable prices; since 2002, the Argentinean software development market has become very cost-competitive.


Chile has one of the most business-friendly environments and advanced infrastructure facilities in the Latinamerican region. Its developed business environment is positioning the country as a key supplier of IT and software development services to the western market.

Also, the country’s BPO and IT industry is thriving and provides high-quality services to local and global clients. Another great advantage of Chile is its high-quality workforce. As of 2021, the literacy rate in Chile is 96.4% — higher than the Latin American average of 93.9%. The country also has a well-developed telecom infrastructure, counting the highest broadband and mobile telephony penetration rates in the south American region. 

Finally, by staying on top of digital innovations, Chilean outsourcing companies are well-equipped to handle projects of any scale and size on top of their affordable prices. Chilean software developers are known for their solid programming skills and consistently rank in various coding competitions, making software development one of the most outsourced services to Chile. 


Thanks to all the hiring and investment benefit from the government to attract foreign IT leading companies worldwide, Colombia has earned the status of the software development outsourcing hotspot in South America. Plus, with one of the oldest democracies in Latin America, Colombia’s economy is among the strongest in Latin America, ranking as the fourth largest and making it a stable and reliable region for companies looking to outsource IT services. 

Also, Colombia’s developer communities are active in all the country’s major cities, including Medellín. For example, it holds the largest JavaScript community in Latin America, as does the largest Spanish-speaking JavaScript community in the world.

Now, when it comes to location, Colombia is situated in the Eastern Standard time zone, making it easy for software developers based there to collaborate with teams, U.S.-based teams. Colombia is also close enough to the rest of Latinamerica, allowing all team members to work on the same business day and communicate smoothly between them.

Lastly,  its world-class infrastructure makes Colombia a solid option when it comes to outsourcing IT engineering talent. 


Mexico has been an attractive base for manufacturing for decades, but data indicates that more U.S.-based companies are focusing on “nearshoring” operations in Mexico than ever before. This way, the Aztec country has slowly risen as an outsourcing destination when it comes to Information Technology (IT) and Human Resources (HR), and similar to Canada, its strong IT education has become one of the best assets the country has when it comes to outsourcing web developers. 

Plus, language and cultural proximity with the U.S. makes it a great choice for American companies looking to hire nearshore freelancers. The number of consumer and cultural exports from countries like Mexico to the U.S. helps to build familiarity and solidarity between the two countries, which can only help advance a healthy relationship within the company.

Now, there are some things to keep in mind before you begin your quest to find the best remote IT team in Latin America. With limited knowledge of a region, it is complicated to understand the tech landscape and how the foreign hiring processes work. Also, it is crucial to know which universities are producing the best tech talent for you to know what to look for in your potential hires CVs and start building a solid network. 

As a foreign company, it might be difficult to find and hire talent in an unknown region; however, it is not impossible. Having a local partner that it’s established in the region can save you lots of time and resources. This will help you spot the right talent that aligns with the cultural, social, and business values that benefit your business operations. 

Building an IT team in Latinamerica will only bring advantages to your company. Don’t know where to start? Talk to our experts! At Intersog, we have been delivering success across industries for over 15 years, developing web applications customized to each client’s specific requirements by leveraging our extensive expertise and deep technology capabilities.

What is Nearshore?

As an intelligent decision maker of your organization, you might always be searching for promising strategies to boost your team’s efficiency; well, nearshore staffing is a great solution. Hiring a remote team allows you to increase your team’s potential by allowing you to find and incorporate remote skilled talent that otherwise would be hard to find locally. But before we jump into the incredible advantages of having a nearshore team, let’s start with the basics: What is nearshore?

As nearshoring has become more popular, you might be familiar with the term; however, you must be careful as it can be easily confused with outsourcing, onshoring, and offshoring. Yes, nearshoring, offshoring, and onshoring are all types of outsourcing, but they all hold particularities that separate them from the other models.

graphics for blogs

Nearshore as a growth strategy

While onshore and offshore are always good options, nearshore can bring multiple advantages to companies. First of all, nearshore gives you the benefit of expanding your reach to find top talent; it allows you access to a pool of tech talents in your region so that you can select the best tech talent for your projects. Secondly, nearshoring with a reliable team will give you peace of mind as your tasks will be handled expertly without you having to worry about the management of the project. This will allow you to spend your time and resources on other key important tasks for your area. Lastly, nearshore can enhance your company’s performance by boosting your team´s collaboration and productivity.

Are you still wondering how nearshore can help you scale growth?

Extend your talent pool

The increasing demand for talented developers is on a continuous rise; however, not all countries have the needed number of developers to fulfill the current market need; well, nearshoring has become a great solution to that dilemma. By adopting a nearshore model, companies can broaden their pool of talent by finding a more capable workforce in regions outside their own countries.

For instance, Latin America is full of attractive candidates to choose from when companies are looking to set up world-class development tech talent networks or hire individual remote engineering talent. The region is producing large amounts of engineering talent day by day. For example, Mexican universities are nearly producing as many computer sciences graduates as American ones, and outside of education, Mexico and Brazil have a combined workforce of just under three-quarters of a million technology specialists. This makes a good pool of highly qualified and very experienced workers within reach of HR teams’ hands.

Enjoy real-time collaboration 

One of the main benefits of nearshore for someone who operates a remote team is the ability to join their staff during normal company hours. As companies that outsource in opposite time zones can face logistical challenges if not organized properly, those working with nearshore software developers in a time zone similar to their companies enjoy real-time collaboration, making their projects time-efficient and easy to coordinate. 

For example, a recent survey shows that one-third of U.S. companies that outsourced to India considered the 10-hour (or more) time difference to be a big challenge.  In this sense, Latin America represents a great option; while the time difference between America and Asia can exceed 12 hours, the time difference between American companies and countries in South America is usually within 5 hours, which keeps exchanges within the same business day.

Seamlessly integrate your team

Communication is key to a project’s success. Therefore, beyond the time difference, nearshoring in countries will foster good communication and enhance your professional relationships due to many cultural similarities. Another key advantage of nearshore is the capability to involve talent with cultural similarities, a shared language, and technical expertise, allowing them to blend in with the in-house team instantly. 

Again, Latin America is a great option for American companies looking to go nearshore. The U.S. is home to more than 41 million native Spanish speakers, plus over 12 million bilingual Spanish speakers, while many institutions in Latin America teach English as a basic demand, making English the third most spoken immigrant language in Latin America, with about 5.4 million speakers, compared to the English literacy rate in China that hovers around 1%. This allows American companies nearshoring in Latin America to work easily and efficiently.

Also, the number of consumer and cultural exports from Latinamerican countries to the U.S. helps to build familiarity and solidarity between the two countries, which can only help advance a healthy relationship within the company. A similar culture allows internal and external workers to come together, developing camaraderie and facilitating better and deeper discussion. 

All this sounds amazing, don’t you think? So before you ask, let us tell you the best places to find your next nearshore LatAm team.

Where to nearshore? LatAm

Due to its proximity to the United States and its thriving amount of talent, Latin America has become one of the favorite outsourcing destinations for US-based companies. The LATAM region has slowly but steadily become one of the primal providers of developers worldwide, with its thriving economies, steady political contexts, and big talent pools.

For example, the number of developers is projected to rise to 28.7 million in 2024, and Latin America is one of the regions that will grow the most regarding programmers and developers, even growing faster than North America. 

Latin America is changing the outsourcing game and has become a significant IT development provider globally, with thriving economies and industries led by Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, among other countries.

From wherever you look at it, outsourcing web development in Latinamerica can bring your company many advantages such as increased efficiency, wider access to specialized skills, resources, and top talent. Now it’s time for you to decide the best country to outsource web development according to your business needs. Don’t know where to start? Talk to our experts! At Intersog, we have been delivering success across industries for over 15 years, developing web applications customized to each client’s specific requirements by leveraging our extensive expertise and deep technology capabilities.